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Showing posts from January, 2020

Project Update: Thinker Blinker

I've tried uploading the files I recorded from Muse Monitor to be read in Unity. The thing is, I couldn't find the correct reference for this line of work. So after deliberating and discussing with my lecturer, I think I've decided to change the project quite a bit. The main idea is still incorporating the human brainwave as part of the project. However, it is more of playing with the idea that 'mind control' is real. There this project I stumbled where these two people are controlling a 'light-bulb' to turn on and off with just thinking about turning it on and off. The Thinker Blinker  is a project created by using Arduino and Muse headset. The basic idea is connecting the Arduino to a lightbulb (invented by cutting LED strings short and shoving it into a bulb-like cup), and to the Muse headset via Particle Photon. From my understanding, Particle Photon is in charge of allowing the Arduino to be able to connect to wifi/Bluetooth and therefore can co...

What are the differences? Psychologist, Psychotherapist, and psychiatrist.

We all have heard about these terms. I know I do. But honestly, all of these professionals are somehow different and similar. I was researching for these differences because I wanted to know whether the Translating Memories  device can help these professionals during their sessions. But then I wonder, who would benefit the most with this. The device itself is targeted for the professionals to help them to determine or 'pin-point' the patient's feelings or emotions. And thus, the difference investigation begins. Upon further research, I stumbled on several major and minor differences between all of them. Psychologist: First thing's first - psychologists cannot prescribe drugs to their patients. They can help people discover problems by talking to them. Since psychology is the study of people: how they think, how they act, react and interact. It's concerned with all aspects of behavior and the thoughts, feelings, and motivation underlying such behavior, a p...

Braintone Art

Braintone Art is a software created by a Dallas-based company that allows users to create a unique piece of art using their brain's focus picked up by an EEG headset. On the website , the company states that the "information streams wirelessly in real-time through the Braintone Art Imagery Generation Engine to project your emotions as abstract artwork on the digital canvas." Not just emotions that show up on the canvas, people are encouraged to express their creativity as well. The software has two different art styles and a selection of different color palettes to choose from. The brainwave element is added by tying people's brain activity to the virtual paintbrush via the EEG headset. To learn more about the process click here . Brainwave arts have been around for quite a while. A few known artists - not to mention scientists and communication experts - have tried and create art and work using brainwave technology, but this is the first to make it so easy...