When creating a portfolio website, it would be such a hassle to create and design each page for different portfolios. The smart way to tackle this problem is to create one 'template' for your portfolio details, and inputting the content into a database. Adminer is a tool for managing content in MySQL databases. Primarily, Adminer allows you to manage the content of your website through a table-like database, where you can easily add, remove and change the subject matter.
Here you can see my Adminer database. It has two databases, one to represent the content for the portfolio details, and the other is for the gallery.
Here you can see my Adminer database. It has two databases, one to represent the content for the portfolio details, and the other is for the gallery.
This is the porto_info database. It consists of the project id (code for each project), year, title, video (in the form of iframe), image_thumbnail (the same image used for the featured page and the main cover for the portfolio details), head1 and head2 (headings), desc1 and desc2 (description)
This is how the inside of the database looks. I fill in the information that I want to show, and accordingly 'pull' the information from this database to my website so each project id can dispense the correct information.
This database is a new database, where I just put in the images used for the gallery (the collection of pictures for each project). The project_id correlates directly with the id from the porto_info database. Then the image_name is just the images I want to include (be reminded that the spelling should be precise as it is case-sensitive).
The images you want to include in your portfolio should be inserted into FileZilla; a File-Transfer Protocol/FTP application, which allows clients to upload their website to the server. All codings should be inserted into the 'httpdocs' folder, this is THE folder that allows your coding to be uploaded to the server.
For me, I have a folder called assets where I input all my CSS and images (folder). Below, you can see that the images I uploaded to this folder are the same as the images I typed in the database. Another thing to remember is that make sure to compress the images you upload into FileZilla. This is because a website tends to load longer if the file size is big. It is recommended to have an image with size of under 1MB.
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